Head of Kampong

The “Penghulu” or “Ketua Kampong” was Tok Alet. A tanned lean old man with a look of a disciplinary master. With deep husky voice always makes me feel really tiny and at his mercy when he talks. He is the most feared by the mischievous boys of kampong at that time. It’s like he is the only other person who can really scold you like your father do. Well he may even criticize your father openly about your behavior. That’s how superior he was I remembered.

Though we fear his anger much, he was actually a nice and gentle person if you get to know him closely. He has vast knowledge and experience about kampong life and survival. Truly well respectable person. I usually sat mesmerized by stories of his experience during the Japanese occupation and about his haunting encounters with the dark world around our kampong. These are my memoirs of him.

The house of Tok Alet


  1. I juz wanna thank u for having this pict posted. This was the home that I grew up before we had to say bye-bye. Thank for for having such fond memories of my grandpa and he still lingers on in my memories. Terimakasih :) - cucu tok alet bin bujang, penghulu kg tg irau, sembawang, singapore -

    1. Hello,

      My name is Aisha and I am a history student from Nanyang Technological University. NTU is currently conducting research for a book which aims to document the history and heritage of the archipelago (Nusantara) communities in Singapore. I am in charge of the research for the Orang Laut community in Singapore.

      Hence, I was wondering if you are a descendent of the Orang Laut and whether you know of any individuals who are as such / or used to live in coastal villages in Singapore or in the southern islands. If so, you could contribute in preserving the history of Singapore’s archipelago (Nusantara) communities.

      Feel free to drop me a message. Thank you and I look forward to your reply.

      Aisha Omar
      Email: sitinura008@e.ntu.edu.sg
      H/P: 84538943

  2. Assalamualaikum,

    Nama saya Aisha dan saya seorang pelajar dari Nanyang Technological University. NTU kini membuat kajian untuk sebuah buku tentang sejarah dan warisan komuniti nusantara di Singapura. Saya mengetuai kajian untuk komuniti Orang Laut di Singapura.

    Adakah anda seorang yang berketurunan orang laut dan anda tahukah individu yang sedemikian/ atau yang tinggal di kampong di kawasan pantai dan sungai? Jikalau ya, anda dapat menolong dalam usaha kami untuk memelihara warisan dan identiti komuniti nusantara di SG.

    Terima kasih dan saya menanti maklum balas anda.

    Salam hormat,
    Aisha Omar
    H/P: 84538943
    Email: sitinura008@e.ntu.edu.sg

  3. Assalamualaikum,

    Nama saya Aisha dan saya seorang pelajar dari Nanyang Technological University. NTU kini membuat kajian untuk sebuah buku tentang sejarah dan warisan komuniti nusantara di Singapura. Saya mengetuai kajian untuk komuniti Orang Laut di Singapura.

    Adakah anda seorang yang berketurunan orang laut dan anda tahukah individu yang sedemikian/ atau yang tinggal di kampong di kawasan pantai dan sungai? Jikalau ya, anda dapat menolong dalam usaha kami untuk memelihara warisan dan identiti komuniti nusantara di SG.

    Terima kasih dan saya menanti maklum balas anda.

    Salam hormat,
    Aisha Omar
    H/P: 84538943
    Email: sitinura008@e.ntu.edu.sg
